30 June 2008

McDreamy and Co!

We are COMPLETELY addicted at the moment to Grey's Anatomy - having missed it entirely when it was on TV here in New Zealand - we are always too busy doing a show is all I can assume - we have discovered it and basically spent the ENTIRE (and I mean ENTIRE) weekend watching this great series - fab acting, an awesome script - and superb eye candy all means fab fab fab television - also missed season 4 so cant wait for that to come out on DVD.

We also had a bit of a get together of the cast on Friday night which was great - amazing how much you miss people that you have basically been in a pressure cooker environment with for 3 months - it was wonderful to see them all - especially great news is that one of my chaps from the show has just been cast in 12 Angry Men which is truly a masterpiece of theatre - so feeling very proud!

Mum and Dad were also in Shortland Street on Friday night and click here for the pictures to prove it.