Well It's All Over Rover!
Still hard to believe that only two weeks ago we were seeing the first review for the show - and what a two weeks it has been!!!! - I was so lucky to have the most phenomenal cast and whilst we knew that not every person would love (or even understand) the show we now know we have touched peoples hearts - I always said that we wanted to just make a difference in one persons life and we did that with a story of the young man who came out to his parents after seeing the show.
It has been an overwhelming experience for all of us involved and suffice to say we had one hell of a send off on the last night and the audience were whooping, stomping and cheering at the end and sent off my wonderful cast with a complete standing ovation - I honestly have never quite seen anything like it for an amateur play - and yes in case you were wondering did bring me to tears..... but like all good things they must come to and end and as a result of the show I now have suspected pneumonia - and sick as a dog and subsequently have had about 3.5 days off work...and am on steroids! Which makes me think of the Incredible Hulk (you wouldn't want to see me when I am angry! lol)
Luckily we bought ourselves a new Playstation 2 game Lego Indiana Jones which we are loving (well Ian is loving and I am helping him with :o)) Also intend to watch some serious TV over the next couple of weeks and just R-E-L-A-X which admittedly is something I am NOT very good at!
Onwards and upwards!!!