18 September 2008


Why do we do this to our selves? Literally spent all day Sunday running between rehearsals for Chorus of Disapproval and Technical Rehearsals for The Kidnap Game, both at the Dolphin Theatre - crazy crazy times..... but with The Kidnap Game under our belts we have only one more sound plot this year. I know I sound like I am complaining and we do love it - but just every now and then it would be nice to hear two little words THANK YOU!

Anyway, what else? um apart from me rehearsing every 2nd night, Ian is thoroughly enjoying his new role and there is even talk about him being promoted - and only there a week! So proud of him.

Mum and Dad are now also back from their little sojourn "down country" where they had a beautiful time - oh and I promised pics of Mum's 75th Birthday Dinner and here they are : CLICK HERE.

Oh and had ANOTHER audition today for a TVC - again who knows but hey at least getting the auditions, which honestly is half the battle - talk soon x