Sorry have been slack at updating my blog lately but honestly have been quite quiet - well as quiet as I ever get :o) Am COMPLETELY addicted to a FaceBook game called PACKRAT so have been spending mega time playing this great game..... we have also been asked to do sound for ANOTHER show at Dolphin - this one is called The Kidnap Game so just trying to get our heads around that.... Also went to see The X-Files movie recently - blecchh! Don't bother! Probably the worst movie have had the displasure of sitting through in a long time - one postive though was that I parked at the Casino so of course had to have a bit of a flutter and ended up $150 better off - gotta luv those 2c machines - it went crazy and suffice to say was pretty stoked with that.
A couple of sad things have happened though, my ex boss Bruce had his father in law pass away so of course I went to that funeral - Bruce actually managed to sing With A Song In My Heart in entirety then sat down and burst into tears - so sad, and also my uncle has just been put into a Hospice and has been given days/weeks to live - poor Mum is pretty cut up about it as when he goes she will be the only remaining family member. Not nice.
Last night though I sat through the entire opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics - what a spectacle! WOW! I am sure those fireworks could have been seen from space.
So anyway that's us not a hell of a lot to report hence the slackness of my updates. One great thing though is Ian has been doing HEAPS of work as a driver for Regency Limousines, which involves him driving around various dignatories, politicians and the like - he is LOVING it and thank goodness he is getting some much awaited moolah!
Anyways thats it from me! So nice to have people actually read this and hassle me if it has not been updated! Luv to everyone and promise wont be so slack with updates!!
and OMG I nearly forgot MY OUTRAGEOUS FORTUNE episode just aired here - suffice to say my cell phone went crazy with so many lovely comments - it was nerve racking for sure and just so wierd to think that when the DVD for Season 4 comes out I will be in it! Anyways some pictures here.